17 February 2010
TSA Stops Terrorist
... err, not quite. But they did make the disabled 4 yr old Ryan Thomas take off his leg braces and attempt to walk thru the magnetometer. It was for "teh safety" dontcha know ...
USA Today
H/T to
DuckLabels: Crime, Duct Tape, War on Terror
posted by Johnnyreb™ at 8:59 AM |
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At March 10, 2010 at 10:07 PM,
You know - it occurs to me that the time ain't far off when a group of real MEN in some terminal are gonna see these gutless commie bastards abusing some kid or old lady and something snap, after which they beat the living sh*t out of those smegma-sucking pieces of pig crap.
They would happily fall to their knees and give a chapstick-BJ to any mooslim who whipped it out, but only throw their weight around with people smaller, older or weaker than themselves.
Scumsucking bastards. Rot in Hell,
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You know - it occurs to me that the time ain't far off when a group of real MEN in some terminal are gonna see these gutless commie bastards abusing some kid or old lady and something snap, after which they beat the living sh*t out of those smegma-sucking pieces of pig crap.
They would happily fall to their knees and give a chapstick-BJ to any mooslim who whipped it out, but only throw their weight around with people smaller, older or weaker than themselves.
Scumsucking bastards. Rot in Hell,