It is rumoured that she and her husband had been having some problems of as late, and were separated. Not any more. In an apparent murder/suicide the Hain's problems are over. Unfortunately, the children were witness to it.
I guess it doesn't pay to play with your neighbors dog when there are excitable LEO's around. There has to be more to this story though, I mean really ... Since when is it against the law to play with a dog that is tied to a tree ?
Cop shoots ... woman and dog are expected to recover ...
This should serve as a PSA to those who own Jennings firearms. I actually own one of the little .25 Ravens mouseguns and have NEVER felt compelled to leave a round chambered in a striker fired pistol.
At a Lakeland, FL range saturday, a fellow had just finished firing one of the 9mm models, reloaded it so his wife could shoot it next, and apparently charged it before laying it on the bench. Before the Mrs. could pick it up, it malfunctioned, firing and continued to slamfire? in a full auto fashion ...
Both of them were treated and released, but a shooter from the next shooting lane was in stable condition ...
Maybe the Somali's should try robbing the Red Cross or something ... Pirating just isn't their thing. How embarrassing is it that they attacked a Naval Ship. And just to rub salt in their wound ...
French Navy - 5 / Somali's - 0
A cool video compliments of The Firearm Blog showing slow motion reaction of bullets striking different objects ...
Labels: 2nd Amendment, CCW, Crime, Firearms

At October 10, 2009 at 5:29 PM, Johnnyreb™
Normally, I don't 'open carry' except on sundays when I'm on my way to an IDPA match and a cover garment is, for whatever reason at the moment, inconvenient. It was different working in the Lower 9th Ward during the post Katrina cleanup, as the outside temperature and the added convenience of not having a cover garment was ... refreshing.
It has been my observation that most people whom open carry are looking for attention or confrontation. Let me clarify that ... most have been willing to be questioned about their displayed choice of carry. Me, I don't need any more attention than my normal day-to-day bumbling inadvertently creates without waving a red flag.
I know it's a personal choice, yet I think that Meleanie's choice to carry at a soccer match wasn't the best idea, but then, it was her choice ... not mine.
It's just not a good idea to go strolling through town, openly armed, window shopping around here. Same for attending any sports functions. You WILL be questioned by the local constabulary, and they may not be too gracious about it.
I actually have been giving the Open Carry movement a lot of thought lately. Mostly, where to draw the line when carrying?
And as you say ... "Most people just don't think much about the issue one way or another. As long as we continue to conceal the fact that we're carrying, we allow them to do so; out of sight, out of mind." That fact is not lost on me, as I have been wrestling with that same train of thought.
You are correct (actually your whole reply is) about people who do this bringing a lot of attention to the fact that it is lawful to carry a firearm openly. Here in Ohio, there have been several instances where the "man with a gun" call has been made, and the LEO's have had to be schooled in state law.
A lot of my reluctance to do this stems from a lack of trust of most LEO's around here ...

I have never understood why she would carry openly if she had a LTC (License to Carry). Granted, it is not specifically a CCW license ... but still ? Why bother scaring the native GFW's ?
It's a personal choice...but many people do it as a form of political statement/outreach.
I carry openly often during the summer when it is just more comfortable and convenient.
I believe that the open carry movement in my state of Virginia and many other places has gone a long way toward opening people's mind to the idea of everyday people carrying firearms with nothing bad happening as a result.
The GFW's are going to be GFW's no matter what we do. Most people just don't think much about the issue one way or another. As long as we continue to conceal the fact that we're carrying, we allow them to do so; out of sight, out of mind.
I think the message is especially driven home when one of those GFW's freak out and try to make a big deal out of it, and it's plain to any thinking, rational, non-hoplophobe that nothing bad happened, nor was it about to.
Ms. Hain's story was a case study on the subject. She comported herself very well and served as a fine spokesperson for the gun rights community when her case became national news. She made her case well and came across as a rational, responsible mother.
The tragic end to her story makes it plain that she was not "paranoid" or irresponsible as the GFW's tried to paint her, but that self defense is a legitimate concern. It's a shame that it turned out the way it did and that she was not able to effectively defend one has ever claimed that carrying a firearm is a magic talisman that prevents all evil.
At any rate, I completely support those who don't open carry and prefer to stay concealed, but it is a personal decision that each of us needs to make on our own.
I think it's done a world of good in terms of getting people who would normally not even think about the subject to realize that it's not just cops and criminals who carry guns, and that law abiding citizens providing for their own self defense is not a danger to society.