02 September 2009
Big Brother Is Watching You ...

VIA: CNS News.com
Anyone who posts comments on the White House’s Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and Twitter pages will have their statements captured and permanently archived by the federal government, according to a plan that the White House is now seeking a contractor to carry out.

In mid-August, the White House put out a “request for quotation” (RFQ)which seeks bids from private firms for the project. Under the terms stated by the White House, the contractor would have broad responsibilities in collecting information from White House related Web pages.
“Publicly-accessible sites may include, but are not limited to social networking sites,” says the RFQ
The document also says, “The contractor shall include the information posted by non-EOP persons on publicly-accessible web sites where the EOP maintains a presence.” This would include “both comments posted on pages created by EOP and messages sent to EOP accounts on those web sites.”
The RFQ says: “Currently, the government team is capturing the data and content.” It does not specify, however, whether the data and content that is currently being captured by the government includes the comments posted by citizens on the White House social networking sites, as the RFQ envisions an outside contractor would do once that contractor is hired.
As of Sept. 1, 10 private firms have shown an interest in the project.
Just having someone (a snitch) send them a comment containing a link to your post would be enough to get someones attention ...

H/T's to:
Weasel Zippers
Infidel Bloggers Alliance
Doug Ross
Labels: Hypocricy, Loony-Left

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